Nowadays, most professional service firms are experiencing difficulties in recruiting and retaining their employees. In today’s competitive hiring landscape, the idea of a “job for life” is becoming less and less common, especially among young professionals. This trend, far from improving, has even accelerated by the social changes brought about i.a. by the pandemic.
With ETL GLOBAL continuing to grow at impressive speed, quite some efforts are taken on the recruitment side, both at the ETL GLOBAL headquarters and ETL GLOBAL country holdings, but also on local level. Finding and motivating skilled personnel has become one of the most important matters for all. Check out ETL GLOBAL’s new Human Resources page as well as regional hubs to check on career opportunities, for example in the Netherlands, Spain or the Czech Republic.
Likewise, all Members of the ETL GLOBAL network are committed to keep and retain their talents. New ideas for corporate and mental health programmes, incentivation and job satisfaction schemes are popping up all across the globe:
Many initiatives seem to be perceived well by the current workforce within ETL GLOBAL:
- ETL GLOBAL Member In Extenso in France has earned the prestigious Great Place to Work® France
- In Austria, ETL GLOBAL Member UNICONSULT was distinguished with the Leading Employer Award. Acknowledging them as one of the top 1% employers in the country.
- Likewise, Graber & Partner, long standing Member of ETL GLOBAL in Italy, has won the TOP Company Award for employee satisfaction in five consecutive years in a row.
ETL GLOBAL proudly acknowledges its Members’ commitment to create a pleasant and attractive work environment and will continue to support them in their efforts!!