Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the EU economy (and beyond). The more SMEs participate in cross-border activities, the more they are confronted with obstacles due to different tax systems which generate excessive and...
ETL GLOBAL (online) Conference 2021 Revealing the Network’s Mission Statement
On 11th November, 2021, the annual ETL GLOBAL Conference was held - once again in an online format due to the still ongoing pandemic. It was an extremely successful event with more than 300 participants from 26 countries revealing a shared global vision between old...
ETL GLOBAL NEWS FROM THE UK – Recent Additions in London
We are happy to share some great news on recent developments within ETL GLOBAL in the United Kingdom. Despite a year of uncertainty due to the Covid-19 crisis, ETL GLOBAL UK is in a strong position of expansion. With the addition of two London based firms during the...